Virtual Internships

Virtual Summer Internships Worldwide - Instructor

Virtual – Business and CommunicationMelissa Bender University Writing Program (UWP)

Melissa Bender is a Continuing Lecturer in the University Writing Program at the University of California, Davis, where she earned her Ph.D. in English. She also holds an MFA in Fiction Writing from the University of Pittsburgh. She is the editor of Contested Commemoration in U.S.

Virtual Summer Internships Worldwide - Instructor

Virtual – Environment, Green Tech, and Sustainability University Writing Program (UWP)

Melissa Bender is a Continuing Lecturer in the University Writing Program at the University of California, Davis, where she earned her Ph.D. in English. She also holds an MFA in Fiction Writing from the University of Pittsburgh. She is the editor of Contested Commemoration in U.S.