Global Learning Courses for First Years
First-Year Seminars—Global Learning
First-Year Seminars are an exciting program of small, innovative classes that reflect a variety of intellectual interests. Limited to 19 students each, these unique courses promote critical thinking and community.
First-Year Seminars are credit-bearing classes (1-2 units) that are either letter graded or Pass/No Pass. You must sign up for them in schedule builder/SISWEB like your other courses.
Global Learning Seminars are First-Year Seminars that will give you a chance to explore cultural diversity or learn about global challenges and how they are being addressed. You will also develop awareness and critical thinking skills that will help you thrive in an interconnected world.
First-Year Aggie Connections – Globally-Focused
First Year Aggie Connections (FYAC) groups together up to 25 students based on shared purpose, interest or theme. Connections meet regularly for one academic quarter and are led by staff or faculty facilitators who are passionate about the themed topics. Most connections are social opportunities and do not bear academic credit; a few connections offer one unit of academic credit for participation.
Globally-focused connections are FYAC’s that relate to global learning, diversity and identity. There are many examples of globally-focused FYACs, and you can check out the full list of offerings here.
Learn More About First-Year Aggie Connections
Fall 2024 FYS/FYAC: Global Pathfinders: Charting a Path to Global Learning
- CRN: 33212
- Course: 004-007
- Units: 1
- Day/Time: Tuesdays, 10:00-10:50 a.m.
- Room: International Center, 3119
We live in an interconnected world. New students come to UC Davis with many types of global experiences already. You may be from an immigrant family, from a diverse community, multilingual, or an international student. It doesn't matter what your background is, what your major is, or what your career goals are, we ALL need skills and knowledge to successfully operate in a global world.
Study abroad is one way to experience global learning, but there's so much more that UC Davis has to offer. We have programs for students to go abroad, virtual opportunities, and even things to do right here on campus. Research, internships, community engagement, intercultural workshops, leadership and mentorship programs, and the Global Studies minor are just some of the opportunities you can get involved with. Come learn about scholarships and available funding, free or low-cost programs, and programs you can even get paid for participating in.
The goal of this Seminar/Connection is to orient students early on to what global learning is and all of the resources the Global Learning Hub has to offer. We will also explore and develop some of the key global and intercultural skills necessary for a global workforce. There are so many global learning opportunities, it's time to get informed now so you can make amazing choices about your involvement for the rest of your time at UC Davis and beyond.
To join Global Pathfinders, register using the above CRN in Schedule Builder.
Global Thinking, EAP 001 (4 units)
EAP 001 aims to develop students’ skills as global actors and change-makers—from critical thinking and problem-solving, to creative research, effective writing and public speaking, strategic project management, and intercultural communication. After an overview of the historical underpinnings of global systems and thinking, we will examine “case studies” on crucial challenges of our time: climate change, political instability, conflict and wars, humanitarian crises, global inequities, health challenges, sustainability, globalized economy etc. We will investigate global challenges through shared readings, group discussions, written reflections, oral presentations, and special activities, such as expert panels, fieldwork, site visits, etc.
EAP 001 will be offered in fall 2024 and taught by Dr. Eleftheria Arapoglou. The course satisfies the following requirements: World Cultures (WC); Arts & Humanities (AH); Social Sciences (SS); This course can also satisfy Requirement 1 of the Global Studies Minor. Check out the EAP 001 flyer for course information.
Global Ambassador Mentorship Program Mentee Opportunity
The Global Ambassador Mentorship Program is designed to help new first-year and transfer international undergraduate students successfully adjust to life at UC Davis. We match new international students with current students based on similar academic and social interests to connect them with a community of support and friends.
Participants share their culture and values with each other and build relationships. Through cultural exchange and participation in social events that the Global Ambassador Mentors host, new students develop close connections with new friends and feel at home in their new community.
Apply now to receive a peer mentor for the 2024-2025 academic year
Global Engagement Opportunity (GEO) Living-Learning Community
GEO is a living-learning community where you will engage in cross-cultural exchange and collaboratively learn about and address global issues in an equitable and sustainable way. Both domestic and international students are encouraged to participate and can choose to room together. Through friendships with students from across the world and participation in programming, your GEO experience will help you build global relationships, networks and awareness. This community is supported by UC Davis Global Affairs and is open to all students, whether domestic, transnational, or international, who are interested in participating in with a global focus.
Examples of Campus and Residence Hall Programs:
- Global issue-focused local field trip
- Global kitchen activities
- Global Learning kick-off reception
Residence Hall Location: Tercero Area – Cottonwood Hall for 2024-25.
UCEAP Global Start
This is an exciting opportunity that allows students to spend their first fall quarter in college in Italy through the University of California’s Global Start Program. All courses fulfill the University’s General Education and major/minor requirements and have been designed to provide a bridge between high school and college. Students take courses enriched with local history and culture and packed with excursions and field trips that bring lectures to life. Students participate in weekly workshops to develop key skills to enhance college success including study habits, writing skills, intercultural awareness, and living independently.
Application Deadline: May 2025.
Learn More About UCEAP Global Start
Contact Information

Paula Levitt
Director, Global Experiential Learning
Global Learning Hub, Global Affairs